Grant is a highly engaging, uniquely equipped, charismatic and thought-provoking speaker for audiences of all ages, sizes and backgrounds. Make CONTACT now to begin the conversation about having Grant at your conference, school assembly, church service, festival or any type of event.

What does Grant actually talk about? Read about some of his most popular topics below.
The Blessing | Aotearoa/New Zealand
Unexpected challenges bring unexpected opportunities. Grant Norsworthy used 2020’s Covid-19 downtime to draw together a team of over 200 Kiwis to produce Aotearoa/NZ’s contribution to the global “The Blessing” virtual choir movement. Released on August 20th, 2020 during the pandemic’s second wave in New Zealand, the response to the song and video has been overwhelmingly positive. Grant speaks candidly about the joys and struggles of the project and, more importantly, the deeper meaning of God’s blessing that he’s learning along the way.
Worship Is NOT a Lifestyle
Within contemporary Christian culture, we can so easily speak and think of “worship” – whether consciously or subconsciously – as merely the music in our church gatherings. Yet we know that worship is much more. Even for those who might freely state that “worship is a lifestyle”, Grant’s potent presentation on the true meaning of worship is sure to challenge.
Followers of Jesus are the chosen few – chosen by Almighty God to lead extraordinary lives that are countercultural and unmistakable in their portrayal of Jesus the Christ. Yet most Christians pretty much go along with the flow and more-or-less assimilate with their surrounding culture. What steps can be taken to sensitise Believers to the call to live as God’s chosen few?
The Greatest Paradox: Die to Live
Is God a God of harsh judgment or a God of grace and forgiveness? Am I of infinite or insignificant value to God? Is Jesus the Christ a servant or a king? Lion or lamb? Is my salvation free, or does it cost me everything? How can I make sense of God’s glaring paradoxes?
Christianity in a Post-Christian Era
As a well-travelled Aussie who lived in the USA from 2002 to late 2018, NZ resident Grant Norsworthy offers a fresh perspective on faith, life and the dangers of a cultural form of “Christianity”. Respectfully, Grant calls into question some of the accepted norms of western Christian culture and points to a deeper, more honest acceptance of Jesus the Christ as Lord.
Church Unity: Truth Is a He, Not an “It”
In the book of John, chapter 14, verse 6 in The Bible, Jesus makes a staggering claim about Himself. He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Do Christians today believe in Jesus – The Way? Or do we merely believe in our particular beliefs about Him? Holding to belief does not produce Church oneness. Jesus does.
Breaking the Unbearable Cycle of Sin
Counterfeit fulfilment – shame and self-condemnation – resolution and striving – disillusionment, despair and anger – back to the lie of counterfeit fulfilment. Is there no way out? Grant shares his story of healing from addiction and presents an unconventional solution: A much-needed message in a time when hidden sin runs rampant and unchecked within the Christian Church.
“Every poet and musician, but for grace, …” C. S. Lewis
Grant shares his least favourite quote from favourite author C. S. Lewis. Timely words drawn from Lewis’s “The Great Divorce” are updated for today and brought into focus as a stark warning to those in the Christian ‘limelight’: that perhaps the most dangerous distraction from completely surrendering my life to God is doing work for God.
Adoption and the Heart of God
Grant sensitively and humorously relates his family’s joyful struggle through infertility to adoption. He explains what the journey taught him – and can teach us all – about our own adoption to be children of God and how our adoption by God changes EVERYTHING!
Hope Rising
Adapting scientific and survey data first developed by Compassion International’s former Senior Vice President of Global Advocacy, Scott Todd, Grant presents a compelling picture of great hope for the futures of people who today are living in conditions of extreme poverty. Hope for the poor is created by hope for them in us.
Insecurity and Authenticity
“Fair dinkum!” It’s a much-loved, well-used and highly useful term from the Australian dialect of the English language. It means true, honest, valuable, of quality, authentic, the real deal. It’s time to be more fair dinkum. It’s time to recognize our own insecurities and lack of authenticity as a prerequisite step towards finding security in the authenticity of Christ. After all – the easiest person for me to fool … is me.