“I’ve been involved in Christian ministry all my life, but I have never before heard the invaluable and crucial information that Grant is offering through More Than Music Mentor.”

“Grant is 100% right! I have noticed a significant improvement in the level of congregational participation now that I am applying the song key choice principals that he teaches through More Than Music Mentor.”

“Grant did a fantastic job of sharing both his knowledge and passion with our team and the teams of other local churches.”

“Before Grant came to work with our team, he sought to understand our context so that he could offer the best support possible.”
“Our team was inspired and motivated by Grant’s leadership. His professionalism and expertise with music/vocal/tech coaching is exceptional. We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with Grant.”

“More Than Music Mentor’s coaching and teaching on worship is very powerful. Grant Norsworthy’s maturity and wisdom on the subject of worship must be shared across every Christian church!”

“We had 3 music groups work with Grant, and everyone got something out of it. Grant was not afraid to point out what needed to be changed but did it in a way that made us feel valued.”

“Incredibly valuable! We made some immediate changes that have improved our sound and enhanced our rehearsals.”

“What a pleasure to experience the word and life-story shared during our Senior Youth Gathering. Grant Norsworthy and his message of faith, family, and love for Jesus was truly inspirational to all.”

“Grant Norsworthy took everyone by storm and captivated his audience by not being a ‘Talking Head’. I would highly recommend Grant Norsworthy to be a part of any worship conversation, conference, training, or clinic!”

“I have a tremendous appreciation for Grant’s passion and dedication to a comprehensive, Biblical understanding of worship. I admire his commitment to educate and empower others to operate in Christian music ministry with excellence.”

“Grant Norsworthy presented strongly and powerfully through ‘word & song’ at our Senior Youth Gathering. Listening to Grant – his spoken messages, his songs, and by him just being real with us – helped me and the students be more real before God ourselves. I left the event completely renewed in my faith.”

“Besides the content of Grant’s messages, God has also given him a natural charisma that draws in listeners at once, even those who have no familiarity with his work as an internationally acclaimed musician.”

“As Grant led, I watched the atmosphere begin to change in front of me. It was beautiful to see a group of people who were somewhat closed off open up and become One Body.”

“I have seen in Grant a sincere desire to be a minister of reconciliation; to love God and love people and encourage others to do the same.”

“Grant is easily able to make a connection with hurting kids like ours at CEM, but also displays the unique gifting of communicating passionately and effectively to all ages and mixed audiences through both his words and music. He is real, engaging and uplifting.”

“Grant quickly engaged and connected to the group in a very profound and effective way all while using a humble and simple approach that is very much his own. It was authentic, insightful, comprehensive, brilliant, and very moving.”

“Grant is a true and passionate follower of Jesus … a man of integrity, honesty and has a genuine passion for God … a seasoned musician and a very compelling speaker, singer and songwriter … . His desire is to lift up the name of Jesus through song and spoken word and encourage people to worship God in the truest possible way.”

“Grant Norsworthy is not only a talented musician, but a great speaker and teacher. Beginner and skilled musicians, as well as pastors and whole congregations will learn much from Grant, both musically and spiritually.”

“His dynamic presence and ability to engage our students with clarity and Biblical truth make him a speaker that we want to ask back again.”
“Grant’s heart for worshiping God at all times and through all things is very evident. This is a great message for everyone to hear – not just the music team. I came away with a renewed spirit and energy.”

“Listening to Grant’s ministry, one thing that quickly comes into focus is his love for Christ and his passion to see others come to know Him in a truly life-transforming way. He is genuine, honest about his own shortcomings, and in every way seeking to bring glory to God.”

“It is obvious through his various awards and nomination that Grant is a talented and sought after musician. Once you hear him speak it is also obvious that he is gifted with a stage presence that is contagious.”

“BRILLIANT! Exceptionally compelling and effective, and a guy who was very user-friendly to work with. I am personally grateful for Grant realigning, in my own mind, what is required to offer worship that is acceptable to God.”

“Grant is a great advocate and partner with Compassion. A true heart for our mission. Extremely professional. Great with the volunteers. And his Compassion presentation is top notch.”

“He was great. Super solid, practical and super grounded.”
“What an amazing difference! It was so encouraging for me and for these small rural churches to know that we too can offer the best we have to God in worship. Grant did an amazing job, leading, teaching, saying the tough stuff in love and most importantly, reminding me and my team(s) that worship is all about Jesus!”

“I have heard Grant Norsworthy speak on multiple occasions and, each time, found myself profoundly challenged and encouraged.”

“Grant was exceptional at speaking to the different aspects of our church – not only to the technical choices of the music team, but to the hearts of the congregation as well.”

“Grant’s ability to walk humbly as he draws everyone’s focus on glorifying the One True God made a deep impact on all who attended. We experienced great musicianship, but more importantly we connected with the God of the Bible.”

“Grant did an exceptional job sharing relevant Biblical application to worship, both from a personal and corporate perspective. He is gifted as a clear communicator who will help your church navigate through the complex issues of worship style and musical conflict.”

“There is no doubt in my mind; inviting this gifted song writer and communicator would benefit your organization, church or school.”

“Grant is funny, relatable and our Celebrate Recovery participants and leaders really enjoyed having him. Through fabulous music and message Grant wove his testimony of radical healing from addiction through God’s amazing grace and unconditional love.”

“We were blown away by his sincere, compelling, and engaging testimony. Besides being eloquent and concise, he really brought the heart of God into what he did. He certainly has a great ability to captivate an audience, communicate a message, and bless those he encounters.”

“Whether through spoken word or a song, my friend Grant will exceed your expectations. I know he’s exceeded mine.”

“… weeks later I find myself rethinking things I have taken for granted as ‘truth’ and redirecting my thoughts and actions based on some simple truths he shared with us. His presentation is engaging, entertaining, insightful and appeals to multiple age groups. It is my pleasure to endorse him as a man after God’s own heart.”

“Grant has the experience and insight to bring into one accord those who have given themselves to the ministry of touching the Father’s heart with pure worship.”

“I can’t think of another speaker that has impacted me as much as Grant has in the last few years. I would recommend him heartily. What he says may move you out of a comfort zone, but you will be the better for it.”

“Grant’s work alongside of Compassion International has been especially inspiring to our community [of about 200 attendees] and we support over 60 children who were introduced to us through Grant’s good work.”

“Grant Norsworthy is the kind of speaker you want to hear from – his faithfulness and vulnerability are sure to challenge, and his heart for the Gospel shines through everything he does.”

“What an amazing difference! It was so encouraging for me and for these small rural churches to know that we too can offer the best we have to God in worship. Grant did an amazing job, leading, teaching, saying the tough stuff in love and most importantly, reminding me and my team(s) that worship is all about Jesus!”

“God is definitely stirring things within Grant’s life and I believe he can be an ambassador … to churches, organizations, and Christians everywhere.”

“The overwhelming response from our church members was along the lines of, ‘That was the most powerful time of training and worship we’ve ever had!’. Through this experience, we have had more momentum in our ministry than ever before. We highly recommend Grant!”

“Grant possess a unique combination of passion for Christ centered worship, excellent communication, leadership skills, and extraordinary musicianship.”

“Grant’s musical talent and love of God’s word is powerful. If you have any occasion to invite him in for your services, I highly recommend you do so. Your people will be inspired to be greater givers and doers in service to our Lord.”

“Grant Norsworthy absolutely hit it out of the park! At our conference he did an excellent job communicating what it means to truly worship God. He used visual aids, great humor, personal stories and great Biblical teaching to communicate the heart of God and what HE wants from us as HIS worshipers. I would highly recommend Grant!”

“Grant blew us away! His message to our students on why we worship was powerful, inspiring and convicting. Not only were his words impactful, but the visuals he used really hit home in the hearts of our students!”

“The thing I’ve always found to be so compelling about Grant Norsworthy – whether in music or spoken word – is that he is a genuine soul. He lives and speaks and sings what he believes. It is as simple as that.”

“In twenty-five years of working with teens I have seen all manner of youth presenters. From my experience I can confidently say that Grant Norsworthy is one of the best around. He has a unique and canny way of being, real, relevant and relatable. “

“Each time I have witnessed Grant’s ministry work, it has been an incredibly moving and life changing experience. Grant brings a genuine, passionate and heart-felt message which truly speaks to people. Grant brings people to tears. Brings them to praise. Brings them to their feet in song and ‘worth-ship.’”

“Grant is a breath of fresh air if you are tired of ‘worship wars’. Grant brings a new prophetic and powerful voice to Churches that are repositioning themselves as missional communities of faith. We are looking forward to his next tour.”

“What joy to have the whole Christian family included from the children to the Grammas and Grampas!”

“His high-energy and fun-loving personality add to the impact of his presence and message. Our congregation’s response was extremely positive from all 3 services: traditional, blended and contemporary. It is difficult to determine which shines brighter in Grant; his excellence in music or his mastery in delivering the message God has given him.”

“Grant’s heart and mind for worship comes from a lengthy sanctification of the Holy Spirit giving him understanding that worship is our identity before it EVER becomes an activity; Grant knows this better than most I’ve met!”

“Grant carries passion and conviction into each topic, calling us all to hear God’s standard, not the American church standard. I have been refreshed and my students stirred.”

“I don’t know how else to say it other than this – Grant Norsworthy ‘gets’ worship. You will be amazed at what a difference he can make in your church in a short period of time. And like us, you will be trying to arrange for him to come again.”

“I was refreshed and thankful for Grant’s passionate desire to gently but clearly move us from me-centered entertainment to a God-and-gospel-centered worship.”

“Grant is an amazing man of God and a blessing to anyone who would choose to learn from him.”

“If you want to make your weekly worship gathering the best it can be, I urge you to consider spending some time with Grant Norsworthy. He is an incredible gift and resource for the local church.”

“Grant has a heart for God and a heart for God’s people. He has a way of challenging wrong thinking about worship in a positive, biblical, and uplifting manner.”

“Besides the content of Grant’s messages, God has also given him a natural charisma that draws in listeners at once, even those who have no familiarity with his work as an internationally acclaimed musician.”

“With patience, experience, humility, and grace, Grant effectively delivers a compelling message focused on the essentials of God-honoring worship that urges us to let go of our well-intentioned clichés, catchphrases, and showmanship and instead embrace worship that simply and fully glorifies God.”

“I’m so thankful that, when home, Grant is an active, involved, serving and long-standing member of the congregation that I pastor at City Church of East Nashville.”

“He is very funny and did not hold back his passionate challenging conviction that our students be engaged in Compassion’s necessary work. Grant’s time at the College was a real joy.”

“Grant is an exceptional communicator who captivates his audience with stories and songs. He did an outstanding job inspiring our leaders and left a powerful mark on our church!”

“Grant Norsworthy gave our church family an excellent concert and witness. If you are looking for a musician and speaker with incredible talent, a heart for the poor, and wonderful awareness of how to engage a congregation, look him up!”

“It is always a task to find a speaker that can captivate the attention of high schoolers, but Grant was able to put my mind at ease when he spoke. He engaged the audience with his storytelling and at times, you could hear a pin drop on the carpet because he was able to capture their undivided attention.”

“I love how Grant shares the hope in Jesus. He’s one of the best young communicators I know with an ability to connect that I see rarely. Grant lives the life and I am honored to call him a friend.”

“We do a lot of these types of events and have heard a lot of very vanilla type messages over the years, but Grant’s message and his delivery definitely stood out! Passionate, Humble, Challenging and Relevant. I recommend him.”

“Grant’s used his God-given talents to wonderful effect at our Night of Praise event last night. We were all just folks praising God together and it was truly amazing! Something about Grant’s leadership last night generated a different atmosphere for me.”

“We were privileged to have Grant Norsworthy with Band of Brothers – our Tuesday evening men’s group – where he shared his incredible gifts of testimony, music, voice and teaching. I would wholeheartedly recommend that if you have the chance to engage Grant, you seize it.”
“In my thirty-five years as a pastor, I have seen a lot of folks come through and do their thing with congregations and my sense has been that, for many, it is just something they do to get by. Thankfully, that was not the case with Grant Norsworthy. His humble spirit and attentiveness to God working in his life was refreshing, challenging and encouraging.”

“When you talk with Grant one on one you know he is a genuine man. However, the attribute that stands out to me with Grant is his intense passion to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his desire to teach those around him to do the same.”

“I know Grant’s heart toward the poor is in line with God’s heart for the poor and, without hesitation, I recommend Grant to your church or organization. I strongly encourage you to pray about using the gifts, abilities, and passions of Grant Norsworthy to move your people to action.”

“When the heart, mind, body and soul are connected by the spirit, holy things start happening. Grants humble heart and seasoned and highly regarded experience, always ushers in the presence of God through his teaching, songwriting, and worship.”

“Grant is the real deal—an excellent musician and a faithful husband and father. He has given me priceless, candid feedback on my music and our conversations always leave me hopeful and eager to continue challenging myself. I owe much to Grant and count him as a friend and mentor for life.”

“I can’t think of another speaker that has impacted me as much as Grant has in the last few years. I would recommend him heartily. What he says may move you out of a comfort zone, but you will be the better for it.”

“Grant is an effective communicator from the pulpit with or without his guitar. Grant is a headliner. I encourage church leaders to give up their most valued congregational time to Grant – they will not be disappointed.”

“Grant’s musical talent and love of God’s word is powerful. If you have any occasion to invite him in for your services, I highly recommend you do so. Your people will be inspired to be greater givers and doers in service to our Lord.”

“For our inter-denominational gathering, Grant’s selection of songs and hymns – some old, some new – helped draw the various strands of the church together in a night of unity in the Spirit, coupled with excellent musicianship and Christ-centered worship!”

“He brought a very unique approach that was both memorable and lasting. He impacted our lives through the life of worship that he lives. His messages were truly some of the most talked about and impactful of Spirit Conference.”

“Grant’s heart for Christ and passion for authentic worship was a tremendous blessing to both our church and our music ministry.”

“Whether on the world stage or in a quiet conversation, Grant is the same humble person who loves God and longs to see the world changed by His power.”

“Grant Norsworthy has that rare combination of passion, content and ability to capture the audience’s attention. Furthermore, the message he shares from stage is being lived out in his daily life.”

“Grant is the real deal … I know that his talent is only exceeded by his genuine faith and commitment to Christ.”

“I have been produced by Grant as a member of The Band Apollo and as a hired studio musician. I rate him highly as a producer and leader. He’s well organized, hard working, has clear vision, excellent communication, is very encouraging and always focused on building authentic, mentoring relationships with those involved in the project.”

“I am thankful to Grant for speaking God’s truth and for modeling a radical commitment to Christ.”

“You r fricking amazing dude! Btw I loved ur singing voice [and] u were an amazing speaker to have!!”

“Grant clearly has superior ability as a leader of congregational singing … He was sensitive to the church’s style of service and related well with all age groups.”

“’Theologically sound, highly practical, seriously fun, interactive instruction’. Our team found that claim from the More Than Music Mentor website to be genuine and 100% true! We have been deeply inspired!”

“Every worship team can benefit from Grant’s workshop. I truly believe that he brings people back to the heart and essence of what worship should be in the church. Sure, every church is different. However, his concepts and methodology bring a healthy unity to the whole team and the congregation.”

“A standout thought to me from Grant’s teaching was the need for our musicians to make ‘small musical sacrifices’ to prioritise the ‘higher joy’ of seeing our people more fully engaged in worship.”

“Grant is an effective communicator who is able to work with teams of varying ability to get the best from them and grow their musicality. I would highly recommend Grant to any church seeking to enhance their sung worship experience.”

“The More Than Music Workshop that Grant taught a few years ago is still paying dividends in my music, worship, and leadership. Thanks for allowing God to use your gifts in such a tremendous way!”

“If you want to grow your musicians and singers, Grant can really help. He does not dictate, but instead works to come along side and partner with people in the local church. I appreciated his content, his approach, his authenticity, and his humility.”

“I always learn so much from watching Grant lead. God has richly blessed him with the gift to draw people to God and to make musicians want to be better. Grant’s attention to detail and attentiveness to what the Spirit is doing in the room is awesome.”

“I love what Grant’s doing with More Than Music Mentor. His passion and desire to affect culture is amazing!”

“Put your humble pants on and have Grant come and spend time with you and your team. It is time and money well spent!”

“Grant Norsworthy is a unique dispenser in the arena of authentic Worship today. I highly recommend Grant to anyone seeking to encourage, teach and inspire deeper worship from the praise team and The Church in general.”

“Our [music] team had the privilege of spending a couple of hours one evening with Grant, and the payoff was tenfold! … I strongly encourage anyone who is looking to strengthen their team to consider bringing in Grant for a weekend or even just a few hours.”

“I love the way Grant worked with our small church music teams!”

“Having Grant come to our church to give a workshop gave the benefits of taking our entire team to a big conference! Everyone was immediately on board.”

“Grant can teach you in a single workshop what it would take experience years to share. It’s the unique gift that God has given him and he is using it to grow the Church of Jesus all around the world.”

“Our team was so inspired by what we were able to accomplish together in the time we had with Grant.”

“Want next-level musicianship and growing worshipers? Book Grant.”

“I was very impressed with the quality of Grant’s teaching and his ability to immediately engage and captivate the audience. I would expect that kind of quality at a top notch worship conference, but Grant came to us!”

“It was a breath of fresh air…. would definitely want him back.”

“I really needed to hear what you had to say. It brought tears to my eyes. The Lord was really convicting me. It’s a wonderful thing to feel that passion for Christ again. Thank you!”

“His coaching with my music team … struck just the right balance of practical and theological. His More Than Music Workshop was wonderful – disarming humor combined with timeless truths that centered us back on Christ and His mission in the world.”

“Seeing how Grant works with teams has inspired me to look differently at how I mentor my team and teach them. He has insight not only into the musical dynamics of a ‘worship team’, but into the spiritual motivations that drive what we all do.”

“Grant’s an excellent communicator. I found his advice very helpful and have noticed improvements during our worship leading since applying his recommendations.”

“Before Grant came to work with our team, he sought to understand our context so that he could offer the best support possible.”
“Grant brought some amazing insight into the technical and spiritual aspects of leading people in congregational worship. Our teams were inspired and motivated by the ideas that he brought. We are so grateful for Grant’s input and his heart to equip the Body of Christ.”

“Grant Norsworthy is a very gifted communicator and teacher. He’s clear and precise but also very kind and patient as an instructor and mentor.”

“Grant taught our team to leave a gap in our sound that invites the ‘voice’ of the congregation, and boy, do they fill it!”

“Because of Grant’s More Than Music Mentor coaching, our entire team has started a new journey of excellence which has given us more time and focus on discipleship within the team and leadership before the church.”

“Our music team had the honor of spending a weekend with Grant, and his insight was much needed. He did a wonderful job of integrating the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of our singing and playing. Our team benefited substantially from his visit.”

“Grant has helped our worship team understand their purpose and goal, then provided exceptional musical/vocal/tech coaching toward that end. We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with Grant in the future.”

“We really enjoyed having Grant from More Than Music Mentor with us and would love to have him back again.”

“Grant was a TREMENDOUS asset to the conference. He is articulate, thoughtful and a great worship band technician. We had great feedback from our attendees, and I would highly commend him for your church worship program or as a conference speaker.”

“We’ve noticed huge changes in unity and direction since having some of Grant’s More Than Music Mentor training. The small tweaks he made to the way we were doing things has made a distinct difference in the way the congregation is responding to sung worship.”

“Grant has a deep passion and desire to serve the Church in how and why we worship through music. He has the big picture in mind and can help your teams bring more purpose and intentionality to their vital role.”

“Grant provides a service sorely needed in churches today. In just a few short hours, he was able to help us beyond what we had even hoped for. He helped ALL of our team, regardless of their skill level.”

“Grant’s workshop was informative and straightforward. Clear and articulate. Simple for the beginner to grasp and thought-provoking for the musician on a more professional level.”

“Grant has an amazing understanding of the challenges facing a team that leads others in worship through music. He is able to offer solutions to these challenges through Scripture and inspiration.”

“Do yourself a favor and get to know Grant Norsworthy. He is certainly much more than a music mentor.”

“Grant has a real talent for teaching and communicating in an incredibly precise and encouraging way. Since the workshop, our team are far more cohesive, better at listening to each other and we’re making a cleaner, more inviting sound.”

“Through More Than Music Mentor, Grant Norsworthy offers an incredibly valuable resource to the Christian Church. He has a unique ability to elevate the effectiveness of a church’s team of singers, instrumentalists and technicians – no matter what level they’re at now.”

“From an audio engineer’s standpoint, what he brings just makes my job easier! Teams learn to play and sing together as one, instead of fighting for their own place. This results in a fuller, more engaging mix at a much more manageable volume.”

“Grant’s visit was inspirational and timely, and laid the groundwork for what, I’m sure, will be a step-change in the quality of sung worship in our services.”

“We’ve noticed huge changes in unity and direction since having some of Grant’s More Than Music Mentor training. The small tweaks he made to the way we were doing things has made a distinct difference in the way the congregation is responding to sung worship.”

“Grant’s a passionate dude and some of it kinda rubbed off on me, haha! I realised that I’ve got lots to learn.”

“We were engaged from start to finish by Grant’s witty, genuine, and thoroughly informative style of communication. I continue to get comments from those who were in attendance that his workshop is still making an impact upon them and their families.”

“Our time with Grant has brought more unity to our church and has helped the music team and congregation be more of the same heart in why we sing and make music – to worship God!”

“Grant challenged our church in such a way that neither discouraged nor coddled, but rather in an uplifting ‘Come on, let’s do better together!’ manner that really uplifted us.”

“Grant shared passionately, challenged respectfully and brought a good balance of teaching between technical skill and spiritual application. Our team gained a lot from the experience.”
“In the few weeks since Grant’s More Than Music Workshop – with us now applying the things he taught the team – our congregational participation is much better than I’ve ever seen before. We are very grateful!”

“Grant really inspired our people to reflect on how and why we worship through music. We will be reaping the benefits of this workshop for a long time to come.”

“The Saturday workshop was so very helpful! I learned things I had never heard anywhere else before and God moved so very powerfully all through the songs and the message on Sunday morning. Speaking just for me and my family, I don’t think our lives will ever quite be the same again.”

“A great reminder to engage people in [songs of] worship by having a balance of space and notes.”
“Our team was inspired and motivated by Grant’s leadership. His professionalism and expertise with music/vocal/tech coaching is exceptional. We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with Grant.”

“Grant has a way of capturing your attention and helping you focus on what’s imperative about worship. Whether it’s singing a song, the spoken Word, or living a life of worship, he always strikes at the heart. The Lord will use Grant to bring change to your congregation.”

“Grant is a great teacher, leader and person. He has a passion for worship and shares his passion with God’s people through his More Than Music Mentor ministry.”

“I’ve been involved in Christian ministry all my life, but I have never before heard the invaluable and crucial information that Grant is offering through More Than Music Mentor.”

“The workshop was extremely helpful. Grant unlocked the mysteries of HOW music works to support congregational worship in song and helped our team become more passionate about WHY they sing and play.”

“Praise God for the gift of music! Grant gave the team a very solid biblical teaching on the definition of worship, and how to work in unity to lead our congregation to worship through music. We hope that Grant can give us some more coaching in the near future!”
“Our More Than Music Workshop included real life examples that participants could immediately begin to implement into their worship teams. Well done Grant! I would recommend any church of any size to get Grant into their space.”

“This experience has left a lasting impact on my spirit, and I am sure the same is true for many others also.”

“We went from having a congregation that was just listening to the worship set to one that is fully engaged, singing and connecting to what we are saying about God. It’s so great to hear everyone singing!”

“It was our absolute pleasure having Grant speak to our music leaders at EAGA. This session was unique, insightful and practical. It was timely for Uganda and will directly impact our music community. We’d love to see him again!”

“Our praise band spent three hours with Grant one Saturday afternoon and it has revolutionized both our playing and singing together as a team, and our perspective on what it means to worship and be worshipers of God.”

“Grant Norsworthy is exceptionally gifted both as a practitioner and a teacher of the worshiping arts. As a longtime artist and worship leader myself, he has my highest recommendation.”

“Grant did a fantastic job of sharing both his knowledge and passion with our team and the teams of other local churches.”

“Grant and his family are keenly and actively involved with the life of our church here at St Paul’s. As Grant’s pastor, I can confirm that he teaches a very God-centred approach to what worship is and a has a sincere desire to help church musicians understand, embrace and fulfil their important role.”

“Grant was inspiring! Challenging ideas, practical advice, expertise, and awesome guitar and singing. He got our team talking about how we can improve. ‘Less is more’ is still ringing in our ears.”

“Grant is 100% right! I have noticed a significant improvement in the level of congregational participation now that I am applying the song key choice principals that he teaches through More Than Music Mentor.”

“At the heart of Grant’s message is the truth that musical worship is not a performance but a time to join as a congregation in praise to God.”

“Our time with More Than Music Mentor was inspirational. No matter what age or experience level, our band members all benefited from Grant’s entertaining and engaging presentation. We were all greatly encouraged!”

“Our music team were anxious before working with Grant: ‘What if he doesn’t like us? What if we don’t measure up? What if he is critical or demeaning?’ None of these prior worries needed to be in play. The team were all warmly affirmed and lifted up by Grant’s skillful and fun coaching style.”

“Our music/tech team is now at an entirely new level due to Grant’s encouragement.”

“The difference before and after Grant’s coaching is ‘chalk and cheese’. Our music team has been given real insight into the higher standard that is possible as we work to create a sound that encourages worship in our church.”
“It was amazing! In over 30 years of running sound desks, I can’t remember such a high level of engagement from the congregation – worshipping God at the top of their lungs. I had to increase the volume from the PA to be heard above them!”

“Grant Norsworthy’s teaching and training on WORSHIP took our Worship Arts Ministries, Media Ministries and church to a deeper understanding of what true worship is. What Grant shares has been “road tested” in his own life and makes a connect with all who hear his compelling message.”

“We had 3 music groups work with Grant, and everyone got something out of it. Grant was not afraid to point out what needed to be changed but did it in a way that made us feel valued.”

“More Than Music Mentor’s coaching and teaching on worship is very powerful. Grant Norsworthy’s maturity and wisdom on the subject of worship must be shared across every Christian church!”

“Within the course of a one hour workshop, Grant’s instruction gave worship leaders and church musicians vital tools to lead efficiently.”

“Awesome… This dude is like the worship whisperer!”

“From sound guy, to musician, to vocalist, to director, Grant offers expert advice that provides easy and practical tips for the entire team.”

“Grant is a true pleasure to listen to, learn from, and work with!”

“What wonderful ideas he had! What helpful changes were implemented and suggested! Grant worked wonderfully with our praise team. Our whole congregation is seeing the benefits.”

“Definitely would like another session! In the few hours, I have gained so much insight.”

“We loved having Grant come to ROCC and share with our team! It was a great way to get everyone excited and better equipped to lead others in worship! Would highly recommend him coming to minister to your team!”

“On Thursday I attended Grant Norsworthy’s class called ‘Crafting a Sound that Invites the Congregation’. The following Sunday at our church service we were able to apply the things that were taught and our congregation sang more than they ever have! We are very thankful!”

“Grant’s workshop was inspiring, encouraging and incredibly practical. I’ve been playing on worship teams for 35+ years and this was by far the best and most helpful teaching/learning session I’ve experienced!”

“We were left with a greater vision for our worship ministry, as well as some very concrete practical steps we were ready to take in the following months.”

“Grant has a gift of working with worship teams, sound techs, and empowering them to be the best they can be. We have really grown as a team through his coaching.”

“Having our instrumentalists and singers use Grant’s techniques paid off instantly! Our congregations were engaged and participating more than ever.”

“Having Grant at our church was at once a wake-up call for us and a fantastic experience of praise. He spoke directly to our specific needs in reclaiming the true meaning of worship, and his ability to work with our musicians to bring us up a level was exactly what we hoped to accomplish.”

“Since the workshop, positive feedback has been flooding in about the music and how much more engaged people feel.”

“We benefited greatly not only from Grant’s knowledge, skill, and experience, but also from his humble spirit and his Godly attitude. We definitely plan on having More Than Music Mentor return to train us again in the near future.”

“It was one of the most educational and informative nights I have ever been to! I feel like I have learned so much – not just about how to be a better musician but also a better worshipper.”
“Whether you’re a big or small church, doing this or that musical genre, with an all-pro band or beginner volunteers, a big choir or one singer with an acoustic guitar, Grant’s laser-focused message will be of great benefit to your worship team.”

“Grant helped our team have a common language and goals. The feedback from the music leaders, music teams and the congregation is great. People are really singing!”

“Grant is a great AND fun teacher. He was able to come into our music team and clear off the cobwebs and open our eyes to some fresh new ideas. We noticed immediate improvements the following Sunday!”

“In ways that were both practical and God-honouring, Grant helped us to think much more about what we are trying to achieve as a team. He gently but firmly encouraged us to make effective changes and left us full of enthusiasm and eager for more.”
“Grant was able to pinpoint specific areas where each of our team members could improve. Some found this direct approach to be quite challenging, but – after taking his advice on board – those were the ones who made the biggest improvement and valued the time with Grant the most.”

“Grant’s training is invaluable! By spanning both the musical technicalities and the spiritual attitudes of the praise team, he manages to bring everyone back to the foundational basics while inciting necessary growth.”

“As a Christ-follower and as a musician it is encouraging to meet a man who preaches a message of unity on stage, and then still lives it when the crowd has left the building.”

“Having Grant Norsworthy work with our band for two hours was the best investment we have made in our music ministry. We now have renewed focus and enthusiasm for serving our congregation and Him. Thank you, Grant!”

“In a day when churches continue to struggle over worship styles or applaud those who perform as musicians, Grant reminds us that God is the audience of all true worship.”

“Our song leaders, musicians and vocalists were greatly encouraged by the weekend and our whole congregation responded wholeheartedly to what God was able to do through Grant.”

“I have not found any other conference or class to be as simply profound and wholly practical as Grant’s More than a Music Mentor training. Within 2-3 weeks of implementing Grant’s ideas, we saw and heard a huge difference in our congregational singing. The Church singing loudly together is a beautiful thing to behold!”

“Grant simply, genuinely, and authentically brings the best out of each individual he coaches.”

“Grant’s passion for worship, skill as a musician, and gift for teaching beautifully combine in a clear and engaging manner that brings a richer understanding of what worship is.”

“Grant brings together a wealth of biblical and practical wisdom that can help churches and leaders find their way through the fog of issues surrounding worship, music and performance on Sundays.”

“Grant from More Than Music Mentor did such a great job! I was stoked with the workshop’s outcome and it was so well received by the whole team. It was practical and inspiring for everyone. As a result, there’s been a positive shift and we look forward to ongoing growth as a result of what Grant taught.”

“From just a couple of hours on Saturday night and then Sunday morning services, Grant effectively inspired greater musicianship, more authentic worship, and servant hearted attitudes in my people and in me.”

“I am truly touched by Grant’s humility and passion to lead people towards true worship.”

“Still Grant’s words are ringing in my ears! Such an inspiring message. I was challenged to recognise what true worship is… and the way I express worship is never gonna be same again.”

“Right out of the gate Grant provided us with tools to improve our practice atmosphere, teamwork, and mechanics. He offered the right balance of humor, service, and leadership.”

“Grant helped our team want to come together for the purpose of leading God’s people, rather than a bunch of soloists or loud musicians. We rehearsed Sunday very differently and it was a special time knowing everyone was part of a team preferring one another. Wow, what a difference!”

“Our time with Grant far exceeded my expectations. The coaching he gave our praise team was clear and thoughtful. Even weeks later, we are still talking about the things he shared and the ideas he has given us.”

“Grant Norsworthy gave me many lessons and pointers on how to improve as an audio engineer and also as the Director of Technology. I instantly began to use his advice, and it has improved my workflow and the quality of the soundboard mix. His professionalism and expertise in Christian worship is excellent.”

“Incredibly valuable! We made some immediate changes that have improved our sound and enhanced our rehearsals.”

“You can’t help but see Grant’s heart for worshiping God and his passion for training church music teams. He will take your church band to a new level musically. And he’ll also inspire them to be better worshipers of Jesus.”

“The vitality and life that Grant Norsworthy teaches in his workshop is over the top! I have wondered for about 10 years why we had not found a leader like Grant to teach our lay leaders these important things.”

“I absolutely loved having Grant work with our student worship team. With visual illustrations, practical advice and a biblical foundation, he connected with our students immediately. I can already tell this will benefit our team for months to come.”

“I love what Grant’s doing with More Than Music Mentor. This is extremely important stuff for ‘worship teams’ everywhere.”

“Grant is a great advocate and partner with Compassion. A true heart for our mission. Extremely professional. Great with the volunteers. And his Compassion presentation is top notch.”

“He is very funny and did not hold back his passionate challenging conviction that our students be engaged in Compassion’s necessary work. Grant’s time at the College was a real joy.”

“Grant engages the whole church community using a skilful blend of music and speaking. Through his concise and Bible-based presentations, we are more able to see God’s heart for the poor.”

“Having Grant speak about and promote Compassion International was an easy decision for us. Everything we do is driven by the Great Commandment (Love God and Love others) and the Great Commission (make disciples of the nations). Compassion provides a platform for us to do both.”

“Grant Norsworthy is an incredible communicator who has a unique ability to combine excellent speaking with heart-felt music. These abilities – coupled with his powerful, solid theology – make him a valuable addition for any event. I also appreciate his candor, compassion for God’s Word and his heart for ‘the least of these’.”

“I have been to countless concerts and heard the Compassion stories and was always afraid to actually sponsor. But something about Grant’s leadership last night generated a different atmosphere for me. Fear and hesitation were gone!”

“Grant’s ability to communicate the stories of Compassion’s children and our theological mandate to serve the poor has resulted in thousands of children and sponsors being connected. Compassion International is grateful for the ministry of Grant Norsworthy.”