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“Grant’s musical talent and love of God’s word is powerful. If you have any occasion to invite him in for your services, I highly recommend you do so. Your people will be inspired to be greater givers and doers in service to our Lord.”

Mark Fowler Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant is an exceptional communicator who captivates his audience with stories and songs. He did an outstanding job inspiring our leaders and left a powerful mark on our church!”

Lucas Parry Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant’s heart for Christ and passion for authentic worship was a tremendous blessing to both our church and our music ministry.”

Louis Johnson Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“God is definitely stirring things within Grant’s life and I believe he can be an ambassador … to churches, organizations, and Christians everywhere.”

Ken Steorts Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“I have heard Grant Norsworthy speak on multiple occasions and, each time, found myself profoundly challenged and encouraged.”

Dr. Ken E. Read Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Each time I have witnessed Grant’s ministry work, it has been an incredibly moving and life changing experience. Grant brings a genuine, passionate and heart-felt message which truly speaks to people. Grant brings people to tears. Brings them to praise. Brings them to their feet in song and ‘worth-ship.’”

Karie Wagner Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant’s used his God-given talents to wonderful effect at our Night of Praise event last night. We were all just folks praising God together and it was truly amazing! Something about Grant’s leadership last night generated a different atmosphere for me.”

Karen Beasley Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant Norsworthy is not only a talented musician, but a great speaker and teacher. Beginner and skilled musicians, as well as pastors and whole congregations will learn much from Grant, both musically and spiritually.”

Jon Truman Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“I have been produced by Grant as a member of The Band Apollo and as a hired studio musician. I rate him highly as a producer and leader. He’s well organized, hard working, has clear vision, excellent communication, is very encouraging and always focused on building authentic, mentoring relationships with those involved in the project.”

Jon Truman Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“I don’t know how else to say it other than this – Grant Norsworthy ‘gets’ worship. You will be amazed at what a difference he can make in your church in a short period of time. And like us, you will be trying to arrange for him to come again.”

John Kenny Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“If you want to make your weekly worship gathering the best it can be, I urge you to consider spending some time with Grant Norsworthy. He is an incredible gift and resource for the local church.”

John Kenny Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“His dynamic presence and ability to engage our students with clarity and Biblical truth make him a speaker that we want to ask back again.”

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