THE TABLE PODCAST WITH GRANT NORSWORTHY: PURPOSE AND DRIVE By Grant NorsworthyApril 7, 2024 Join host Jason Squires and Grant Norsworthy as they talk about purpose and the importance of using where you have been to guide where you are going. asking whypurposedrive Share This Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Grant Norsworthy Related Posts ENTERTAINMENT OR INVITATION? WHY STREAM SUNG WORSHIP? WHAT’S YOUR GOAL? Are we hoping to enthrall the viewing audience with a concert-like musical performance? Or are… FROM SLAMMIN’ TO SINGABLE: TOMLIN’S “HOLY FOREVER” Take this link to read Grant’s article as featured in the February issue of Worship… SING TO THE LORD Take this link to read Grant’s article as featured in the January issue of Worship…
ENTERTAINMENT OR INVITATION? WHY STREAM SUNG WORSHIP? WHAT’S YOUR GOAL? Are we hoping to enthrall the viewing audience with a concert-like musical performance? Or are…
FROM SLAMMIN’ TO SINGABLE: TOMLIN’S “HOLY FOREVER” Take this link to read Grant’s article as featured in the February issue of Worship…