Take this link to read Grant’s article as featured in the November issue of Worship…

By Grant Norsworthy
If my regular attendance at church services is to satisfy my self-imposed religious obligations, God doesn’t want it.
If I sing songs of praise because I enjoy it or in order to get a feeling of God’s presence, He doesn’t want them.
If my prayers are offered as an attempt to have God alter my circumstances, He doesn’t want them.
If my study of scripture is to find words from God to support my prejudices, God doesn’t want it.
If my effort to care for the “least of these” is done so that I can feel good about myself, or out of a sense of religious obligation, that’s not what God wants either.
“There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender.”
Oswald Chambers from today’s My Utmost For His Highest.
God wants me utterly and completely surrendered to Him – not my good behavior. My behavior should reflect that I am surrendering to His Lordship.
Check out the devotional reading from Oswald Chambers that inspired this blogpost here.